Alliance wins five awards at 14th Hong Kong Occupational Safety and Health Award
Alliance Construction Materials Limited, Anderson Concrete Limited, Concrete Services Limited, and Lam Tei Quarry received the Safety Performance Award and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Annual Report Award in the 14th Occupational Safety and Health Award Presentation Ceremony held in September 2015.
Wayne Yu, HR Manager, represented Alliance to receive the Safety Performance Awards in the ceremony and shared the view that outstanding health and safety performance Alliance achieved was supported by a positive health and safety culture, which in his opinion was driven by our striving for operational excellence attitude and our believe that “all incidents are preventable and must be prevented”.
Safety Performance Award recognizes organizations that continue to demonstrate an outstanding performance in OSH and provide evidence that good safety record is kept over the past three years; OSH Annual Report Award recognizes organizations with excellence in the presentation of OSH performance and community development information in sustainability report. It also recognizes those that have published timely, accurate, informative and well-presented figures for their shareholders, stakeholders and employees, as well as for others who may have an interest in our OSH performance and community development activities.
The Award is an annual event jointly organized by the Occupational Safety and Health Council, different government departments, unions and associations for the purpose to recognize organizations with outstanding achievements in OSH. The Award also provides a platform for exchange on the best practices and strategies to raise OSH standards in Hong Kong.

Gold Award Logo.


Gold Award.

Gold Award Logo.


Gold Award.