Alliance Sustainability Seminar at PolyU

Promoting higher awareness on the sustainable use of construction materials, Alliance organized a seminar with the Australian Institute of Building on 29 March 2017 at PolyU for over 130 construction professionals.  In the 2 hours seminar we shared our experiences and vision on ensuring a low carbon economy and our practice to produce rock products and concrete materials green.
Producing construction materials green isn't just good for the environmental, Alliance also sees the opportunity to help our customers to save cost and improve the quality of works.  The measures and benefits of "Designing rock products logistics early" and "Adopting special concrete with tailor-made properties" were also discussed.

Alliance is a professional construction materials supplier that always looks for innovative solutions and continuous improvement.  If you are interested in any construction materials related topics, please feel free to contact our Rock Products Manager Mr. James Yiu at for details.





