Alliance Signs Up to BEC’s Low Carbon Charter to Demonstrate Carbon Reduction Commitment
With strong commitment to carbon reduction, Alliance signed up to Business Environment Council (“BEC”)’s Low Carbon Charter at the launching ceremony held on 19 March 2019. By signing the Charter, Alliance is committed to work towards setting decarbonisation targets, disclosing the work progress and advocating low carbon practices.
Facing the urgent and unprecedented climate change challenge, transition to a low carbon economy is the key to reduce climate-related risks and secure sustainable development. Therefore, the Low Carbon Charter was developed to mobilise companies to contribute with collective resolve towards Hong Kong’s long-term decarbonisation. It also presents an opportunity for different businesses, especially the property and construction industry, a focused sector recommended by BEC, to showcases leadership and commitment to making real contribution towards sustainability.
Since 2008, the company started Carbon Footprint calculation and set carbon reduction targets. Its low carbon journey went further by obtaining the 1st Concrete Product Carbon Footprint Mark in 2011, starting the ISO14064 GHG verification and developing the Concrete Carbon Footprint Calculator to support customers’ low carbon purchase in 2013. To accelerate our climate protection actions, the company has already joined the external carbon offset program to offset unavoidable CO2 emissions from its truck fleet.

Alliance Low Carbon Charter. Alliance signs up for Low Carbon Charter

Alliance Low Carbon Charter. Alliance signs up for Low Carbon Charter

Alliance Low Carbon Charter. Alliance signs up for Low Carbon Charter

Alliance Low Carbon Charter. Alliance signs up for Low Carbon Charter